It’s been 16 years since the Design Management Institute journal published what has been called “the industry’s thought leading work on quantifying package design’s ROI”. It’s been more than 6 years since Steve Sato and I co-chaired the Design Value project for DMI.
In these years, I’ve written more than several complementing articles, have assembled 20+ cross-industry case studies and spoken on this topic more than 40 times across the US, UK, Europe, Asia and Latin America. At this same time, effective work has been done by many other design advocates like the British Design Council And yet, to a great extent, brand identity design’s direct impact on brand profits remains unquantified and significantly under valued.
It’s beyond time that we as an industry vet and embrace an accepted methodology for quantification and have a real discussion about funding corporate design departments and their consultant partners based on the value they generate. I will be sharing these topics and my proven methodologies with Design industry leaders Frans Joziasse, General Director of PARK & Grow, and Jay Peters, Managing Director of PARK USA & Grow USA, as they launch their Design Value Canvas.
Please join me in San Francisco on Thurs. Oct 12 from 6-8pm or in LA/Santa Monica on Friday Oct 13 from 4-6pm to learn about these industry-proven tools and the advantage of taking accountability for the real value our work provides. Seats are limited so please take action now at: